Hello and welcome to my homepage, I only hello and welcome to my web page. if you have just stumbled across this you in for a surprise. but if you know some people in these photos, or if you are featured in my little photo gallery's then you are in for a good laugh. if you are featured in my collection, please don't take any captions too seriously. they are intended only for a laugh or to explain the photo in more detail. if you have any comments or complaints please write to, dan@avonside.net nothing will be changed. also if you were on some of these trips and you have photos to share it would be great if you would just send me a message as well so I can continuously update these pictures. with out any further adieu, have fun! ...
Open SpreadsheetI like them any way. you can click on the image to enlarge them. |
just nice landscape pics to show off New Zealand |
The Kidson house group photos | other trips |